Sunday, December 19, 2010

EUFF 2010

Seingat saya tahun lalu saya berjaya menonton lebih kurang 5 Filem sempena EUFF 2009. Namun kesibukan tahun ini saya cuma berjaya mencuri masa untuk menonton 2 filem sahaja. Inilah Nasibku.... Huhuhu.

ElBola - Spanish Movie

For All Eternity - Austrian Movie
Newlyweds are torn apart during the communist takeover in China in this poignant tale. Fanny Ebner confounds her friends and family when she falls in love with and marries Ma Yunlong, a Chinese policeman. The couple moves from Vienna to China, but their happiness is short-lived -- Ma is captured and imprisoned by the communists. Alone in a foreign land, Fanny must find a way to survive. Nina Proll, Wang Zhiwen and Susi Nicoletti star.

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