Saturday, July 17, 2010

Emak Ingin Naik Haji - Kalaulah Pembikin Filem Malaysia Boleh Membuat Filem Seperti Ini..

Nota Jase :
When reading the title of this movie, and saw the posters, I am glad to know that the main star is an old actress. She is OLD because of her age, instead of intentionally created to look old by the make-up artist. I agree that she is the right choice to play the role.

ATIK KANSER is the perfect person to play the figure of a mother – called EMAK - with a simple life, who is working as a pastry cook. She lives with her son, Zein, who is working as a painter. Emak is a simple person, gentle spoken, innocent and she is fully believe in God. Her belief was smooth her days, so everything was easy. Emak’s attitude is always grateful for anything that obtained and which occured in her life. Emak's love is so clear, her tenderness in facing the only son, made his son will not dare to hurt her.

Emak has a very high spirits, she even obsessed to be able to go to the Holy Land – Mecca, but it did not make her busy earning money all the time. Patiently Emak is saving her money from selling the cakes, which in five-year accumulated just five million rupiah. Emak is still optimistic and positive thinking, that even if her body did not get to the Holy Land, but she believes that her heart had got there first.

Since they had decided to put painting of Ka'bah on their wall, Emak felt that Ka'bah was already in sight, not just in the form of mere shadows. I was trying to figure out their own plot of this movie that one day their rich neighbor would come accidentally and saw the painting, then buy it worth the cost to the Holy Land for Emak. But I must be disappointed, because the plot is not like that. Aditya Gumay successfully deceived me and this time I must admit that not all of Indonesian's movie predictable story line with ease.

Emak, a kind-hearted grandma, she even let her savings for operating costs grandchildren. This scene was a lesson for me, and hopefully also for other audiences, that we often think that we can arrange everything in our life, and we forget that the provisions of Allah who is bound to happen and that's the best. We often encounter in this life, we are not willing to lend our money or saving to someone or our relative with various reasons. In fact, we are too afraid that we won't get the money back. We forget the God's provisions has set everyone's fortune amounts not yet fully understood in the sense that truth. The fear that appears in our minds, often not congruent in line with what we should believe.

Zein, who had erred after seeing a suitcase full of money in Haji Sa'un bedroom. This errancy triggered by his confusion of surgery cost of his son, also for Emak to pay fare to go to the Holy Land. He was so lucky when he quickly realized that he has been made a big mistake before he regret it in entire of his life, and it was a great blessing because God covered that mistake, so that he survived and was not caught. Can you imagine how shocked Emak will be?

(When the next scene is about Zein filled the lucky dip coupon, quickly I thought that the ending of this movie seemed like ‘Emak win the Lucky Dip and she can go to the Holy Land’. But once again, I must admit that Aditya has successfully deceived me for the second time.) When Zein had an accident and made him unable to work for a while, I got a lesson that in the joy we should not be too excessive. The plot of story may be different, if Zein just sat at home waiting for Emak.

On the other hand, the accident like a disaster for Emak, but she believes that another joy will come after this. Fortunately, all hospital cost paid by the person who hit Zein. It seemed that Emak's sincerity during her life was got paid. I believe that good deeds that we make, can also be enjoyed by people around us, and vice versa.


JaseMario said...

Filem ini adalah sebuah filem yang amat menyayatkan hati. Hampir saya menitis air mata terutama di babak di mana si ibu mengira duit untuk menunaikan haji dan menurut perkiraan beliau cuma dapat menunaikan haji ketika berumur 86 tahun. Si anak hanya mampu mendiamkan diri cuma. Teringatkan ibu saya yang akhirnya dapat menunaikan fardhu haji akhirnya pada tahun 2002 dengan hasil titik peluh beliau menyimpan duit. Namun Alhamdulillah dapat juga menunaikan hajat tersebut...

Anonymous said...

"Teringatkan ibu saya yang akhirnya dapat menunaikan fardhu haji akhirnya pada tahun 2002 dengan hasil titik peluh beliau menyimpan duit. Namun Alhamdulillah dapat juga menunaikan hajat tersebut..."...

Scenario yang biasa kita lihat di atas:
Itulah nak mengharapkan anak2 sponsor, gaji berbelas ribu pun..kalau lah ada ADA anak yang "sponsor" ibubapa pergi ke Tanahsuci..sekurang2nya kos pergi untuk Umrah! ..sebab anak pun berkira-kira nak buat Umrah..lebih selesa melancong ke tempat lain dulu!