Semasa kecil seingat saya cuma sempat menonton G.I. Joe di dalam bentuk kartun. Namun begitu teknologi terkini mampu membawa watak ini ke layar perak. Namun seperti biasa, super hero francais Amerika akan membuktikan mereka adalah adi jagat tidak terkecuali dengan filem ini !!! Channing Tatum & Marlon Wayans is great in this movie. memandangkan Lisa tidak ada jadi saya menonton filem ini bersama rakan sepejabat Oxford. Ya... Oxford yang ke Sudan bersama saya, Mas & Mael. Itupun kami terpaksa menunggu sebelum tiket tempahan di'release'kan untuk mendapatkan 'seat' yang bagus !!!
Sinopsis When weapons manufacturer McCullen – soon to be known as Destro – tries to frame NATO forces for the theft of his own metal-eating nano-bot rockets, an even more elite Special Forces group enters the picture: G.I. Joe. Soon, a military caravan led by officers Duke and Ripcord is hijacked by the Baroness and her men, thwarted only by the sudden appearance of Scarlett, Snake-Eyes and Heavy Duty, blasting away in true Joe fashion. Eventually, the pair is allowed to tag along with the group on a mission to retrieve the missles before Destro, Baroness, Storm Shadow and the soon-to-be Cobras can use them against strategic, well-populated targets in an effort to… what else?… take over the world!
As Duke and Ripcord prove themselves to be true Joe material, past events for many of the character (particularly Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Duke and the Baroness) play a major factor in the emergence of a figure who may very well become the Cobra Commander of legend. And it is in these minor flashbacks and subtle relationships that actual characters being to take shape – with motivations and emotions that, while not constituting great drama, go far to invest the audience enough to follow along.
The action shifts from dense forests, to subterranean facilities, to the streets of France, to underwater bases, to high-altitude jet fights and a number of places in-between. The major sequences are both intense and sufficiently humorous, laden with eye-rolling, though faintly charming, one-liners and a speaker-shattering, non-stop barrage of explosions, chases, shoot-outs and sword fights. The action is well paced and the effects – much like the cinematography itself – blend the tangibly real and the colorfully cartoonish in a way that captures the spirit of G.I. Joe. There's no attempt to explain why or how these massive bases might feasibly have been constructed; no effort made to convince the audience that jamming electrodes into a dead person's skull shouldn't allow you to replay their last memories; and no real explanation as to why taking over the world is all that appealing to begin with.
Three Good Reasons
(1) Director Stephen Sommers, best known for The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, knows how to bring the action. The way he sees it, this film is his chance to explore some fun, James Bond-like territory.
(2) Not familiar with the "G.I. Joe" franchise? Not a problem. The movie is designed to be just as entertaining for newcomers as it is for old fans. And the writers say it's inspired by the early '80s comic book more than the cartoon series.
(3) You haven't seen a grrrlfight until you've seen Sienna Miller and Rachel Nichols face off as Scarlett and the Baroness. Actual injuries were incurred during filming. Bet You Didn't KnowWhile Duke and Cobra Commander may be arch-nemeses, the actors playing them, Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, are best friends in real life. They met on the movie Stop-Loss where they played soliders, naturally. Now you know that. And knowing is half the battle.