Sunday, July 18, 2010

Potret Rendahnya Moral Bangsa Kita dalam Jamila dan Sang Presiden...

Nota Awal :
Sebagai penggemar lakonan aktor berkarisma dari tanah seberang, Fauzi Baadila saya akan cuba menonton semua filem dan sinitron lakonan beliau seboleh mungkin. Saya terpaksa menunggu hampir 1 tahun sebelum dapat filem Jamila dan Sang Presiden ini dalam format DVD kerana filem ini tidak (mungkin) ditayangkan di Malaysia. Terima Kasih kepada Bro Dan & Bung Joko yang telah menghadihakan kepada saya DVD filem tersebut ketika singgahan saya ke Jakarta baru-baru ini. Alhamdulillah penantian yang lama ini 'amat lumayan' sekali kerana lakonan Ojie sungguh memberangsangkan sekali meskipun cuma muncul dalam beberapa babak sahaja. Paling ketara lakonan beliau ialah semasa babak perbualan di dalam rumah dengan adiknya lantaran munculnya ayah beliau dan dituruti oleh ibunya. bersahaja, 'real' dan dengan jelas tampak karektornya berubah.

Sinopsis :
Plot filem ini dimukakan dengan Jamila (Atiqah Hasiholan) menceritakan bahawa beliau adalah korban dari pemerdagangan manusia. Kemudian lewat beberapa adegan, mengenalkan kita dengan kehidupan Jamila sekarang - penuh glamor, kehidupan malam, dan ketidaksenangan batin. Kemudian Jamila menyerahkan dirinya lantas mengaku telah membunuh serorang Menteri bernama Nurdin (Adjie Pangestu) tanpa diketahui oleh seorang lelaki yang cuba mendekatinya, bernama Ibrahim (Dwi Sasono). Ibrahim yang simpati dengan Jamila cuba menghubungi peguambela Jamila, iaitu Malik (Marcelino Lefrandt)dan akhirnya bekerjasama untuk membebaskan Jamila. Jamila, kemudiannya dengan arahan bapak Presiden Indonesia kemudiannya di tempatkan di penjara luar kota. Disana Jamila telah menerima layanan kasar dari seorang Warden Penjara Wanita yang amat ditakuti oleh banduan di situ bernama Ibu Ria (Christine Hakim).

Di penjara tersebut, dari buku harian Jamila yang diambil Ibu Ria beliau mengetahui kisah silam Jamila. Jamila dijual oleh ibunya kepada 'mucikari' yang menjualnya kepada sebuah keluarga kaya. pasangan suami isteri yang berusia itu memiliki seorang anak lelaki. Kedua ayah dan anak lelaki tersebut telah memperkosa Jamila setiap malam secara bergilir sehinggalah anak lelaki keluarga tersebut dibunuh oleh Jamila. Si Ibu pula (Jajang C. Noer) yang tahu kelakuan sumbang suaminya, kemudian membunuh suaminya. Kemudian Jamila melarikan diri lantas bekerja sebagai pembantu di sebuah pasar kecil, mengetahui yang dia akan diperkosa, Jamila melarikan diri sekali lagi lagi lalu melintasi sebuah disko. Malang tidak berbau, akhirnya jamila terperangkap dan ditahan pihak polis. Dipendekkan cerita, Jamila kahirnya terjebak dengan pekerjaan di disko (Pelacur/GRO?) setelah beliau di jaga dengan baik oleh pekerja disko (Pelacur/GRO?) yang baik hati bernama Susi (Ria Irawan).

Kembali kepada situasi semasa, Jamila dituntut oleh berbagai aktivis masyarakat untuk dihukum mati. Dalam penjara ia diberikan simpati oleh Surya (Surya Saputra) yang terkesan dengan nasib yang menimpa Jamila. Namun Jamila tidak mengindahkan dia, begitu juga dengan Ibrahim, malah Jamila semakin memikirkan nasib adiknya, Fatimah yang sudah lama terpisah.

Terjadi perang mulut diantara Ibu Ria dan Jamila. Jamila membunuh sang menteri atas kebenciannya terhadap politikus dan negara, yang telah membiarkan kehidupannya menjadi mangsa dan sengsara. Atas kelakuannya, Jamila dikurung di sel isolasi. Beberapa hari kemudian, Jamila dijatuhi hukuman mati dek kerana tekanan masyarakat yang prihatin dengan kes tersebut. Ibu Ria yang mula terasa hibaiba, memujuk Jamila untuk membuat rayuan untuk dibatalkan hukuman mati di ganti dengan penjara seumur hidup. Dalam masa 36 jam sebelum dijatuhkankan hukuman, jamila masih berkeras untuk bertemu dengan Presiden Indonesia kerana percaya Presiden adalah punca utama dan perlu bertanggung jawab di atas semua permasalahan yang menimpanya selama ini. Jamila kemudian menceritakan kepada Ibu Ria mengenai apa yang berlaku di Kalimantan. Saat dia membunuh seorang lelaki yang telah menyebabkan adiknya terjerumus dalam rumah 'bordil', dikala itu itu Jamila telah menyamar menjadi pelacur disana berhasil menemukan baju Fatimah walau ia tidak berjumpa dengan jasad Fatima.

Sehari sebelum hukuman Jamila, Susi menemui oleh Ibrahim. Susi lalu menceritakan, mengenai saat mula Nurdin jatuh cinta dengan Jamila lantas diberi segala kemewahan. Namun panas tidak lama, Jamila kemudian mendapat berita yang Nurdin akan berkahwin menurut kehendak orang tua beliau. Jamila kemudia memberitahu Nurdin yang beliau sedang mengandung anak Nurdin. Dalam senuah acara bidaan, Nurdin dimalukan oleh Jamila secara tidak langsung. Kemudian mereka bertemu di sebuah Hotel, Nurdin mengancam Jamila dengan pistol. Berlaku pergelutan antara mereka berdua, Jamila kemudian telah terbunuh/membunuh Nurdin dengan pistol tersebut untuk melindungi dirinya. Di penjara, Jamila tetap tidak mengubah keputusannya untuk duhukum mati (tidak mahu dibicarakan). Akhirnya ia dihantar menuju tempat perlaksanaan hukuman (eksekusi), kedengaran bunyi bedilan pistol dari luar yang secara simbolik menyatakan kepada kita bahawa akhirnya Jamila dihukum mati.

Komentar :
Jamila dan Sang Presiden adalah sebuah film layar perak perdana karya sutradara Ratna Sarumpaet, yang mungkin lebih dikenali sebagai seorang sutradara teater serta aktivis perempuan. Naskah cerita film ini sendiri diadaptasi Ratna dari karya teaternya yang berjudul Pelacur dan Sang Presiden, yang sempat meraih banyak pujian sekaligus kritikan dari beberapa pihak di Indonesia selama masa pementasannya.

Ratna sendiri pernah menceritakan bahwa kisah Pelacur dan Sang Presiden diangkat dari rasa keprihatinan beliau di atas kekurangpedulian pihak pemerintah mengenai kes-kes pemerdagangan manuasi terutama anak-anak bawah umur yang banyak terjadi di daerah-daerah terpencil di Indonesia. Ratna sendiri pernah merantau sehingga ke Batam, Solo, Indramayu, Surabaya, dan kota-kota di Kalimantan, untuk mendapatkan sendiri cerita dari ratusan ribu korban perempuan yang kemudian disatukannya dalam cerita Pelacur dan Sang Presiden untuk dijadikan nasjkhah teater.

Di negara dimana sebuah filem dengan naskah kuat dan sedikit provokatif adalah sangat jarang ditemukan, tentu Jamila dan Sang Presiden bagaikan sebuah nafas segar di dunia perfileman. Apalagi jika naskah tersebut lumayan berhasil divisualkan dengan sangat baik oleh sang sutradara, maupun oleh para pelakonnya. Di Indonesia, hal tersebut hanya terjadi sekali dalam jangka beberapa tahun. Jamila dan Sang Presiden adalah salah satu hasil yang amat hebat.

Sebagai sebuah karya teater yang diangkat ke layar lebar, Ratna tentu saja tidak akan melupakan bahwa penampilan para pelakon setiap karakter di filem ini, dapat mempengaruhi kualiti Jamila dan Sang Presiden. Maka dengan itu, Ratna memilih berbagai nama-nama besar dan dengan jaminan kualiti lakonan yang sangat menepati untuk menghidupkan setiap karakter di film ini. Nama-nama seperti Christine Hakim, Surya Saputra, Fauzi Baadilla, Ria Irawan, Ade Irawan, Marcelino Lefrandt, Dwi Sasono, Atiqah Hasiholan yang malakonkan watak utama Jamila, film ini benar-benar menjadi salah satu film dengan jajaran lakonan yang sangat memukau di filem Indonesia.

Ini merupakan filem perjuangan dari kisah benar masyarakat yang membicarakan tentang kemiskinan, pemerdagangan manuisa dan gejala seksual terhadap wanita di bawah umur yang dhasilkan dengan begitu mantap sekali. Ia telah digarap untuk mencerminkan potret kita, tentang bagaimana miskinnya moral bangsa kita sekarang ini. Dan ini bukan hanya di Indonesia malah tempiaskan juga turut terasa kepada kita di Malaysia..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Emak Ingin Naik Haji - Kalaulah Pembikin Filem Malaysia Boleh Membuat Filem Seperti Ini..

Nota Jase :
When reading the title of this movie, and saw the posters, I am glad to know that the main star is an old actress. She is OLD because of her age, instead of intentionally created to look old by the make-up artist. I agree that she is the right choice to play the role.

ATIK KANSER is the perfect person to play the figure of a mother – called EMAK - with a simple life, who is working as a pastry cook. She lives with her son, Zein, who is working as a painter. Emak is a simple person, gentle spoken, innocent and she is fully believe in God. Her belief was smooth her days, so everything was easy. Emak’s attitude is always grateful for anything that obtained and which occured in her life. Emak's love is so clear, her tenderness in facing the only son, made his son will not dare to hurt her.

Emak has a very high spirits, she even obsessed to be able to go to the Holy Land – Mecca, but it did not make her busy earning money all the time. Patiently Emak is saving her money from selling the cakes, which in five-year accumulated just five million rupiah. Emak is still optimistic and positive thinking, that even if her body did not get to the Holy Land, but she believes that her heart had got there first.

Since they had decided to put painting of Ka'bah on their wall, Emak felt that Ka'bah was already in sight, not just in the form of mere shadows. I was trying to figure out their own plot of this movie that one day their rich neighbor would come accidentally and saw the painting, then buy it worth the cost to the Holy Land for Emak. But I must be disappointed, because the plot is not like that. Aditya Gumay successfully deceived me and this time I must admit that not all of Indonesian's movie predictable story line with ease.

Emak, a kind-hearted grandma, she even let her savings for operating costs grandchildren. This scene was a lesson for me, and hopefully also for other audiences, that we often think that we can arrange everything in our life, and we forget that the provisions of Allah who is bound to happen and that's the best. We often encounter in this life, we are not willing to lend our money or saving to someone or our relative with various reasons. In fact, we are too afraid that we won't get the money back. We forget the God's provisions has set everyone's fortune amounts not yet fully understood in the sense that truth. The fear that appears in our minds, often not congruent in line with what we should believe.

Zein, who had erred after seeing a suitcase full of money in Haji Sa'un bedroom. This errancy triggered by his confusion of surgery cost of his son, also for Emak to pay fare to go to the Holy Land. He was so lucky when he quickly realized that he has been made a big mistake before he regret it in entire of his life, and it was a great blessing because God covered that mistake, so that he survived and was not caught. Can you imagine how shocked Emak will be?

(When the next scene is about Zein filled the lucky dip coupon, quickly I thought that the ending of this movie seemed like ‘Emak win the Lucky Dip and she can go to the Holy Land’. But once again, I must admit that Aditya has successfully deceived me for the second time.) When Zein had an accident and made him unable to work for a while, I got a lesson that in the joy we should not be too excessive. The plot of story may be different, if Zein just sat at home waiting for Emak.

On the other hand, the accident like a disaster for Emak, but she believes that another joy will come after this. Fortunately, all hospital cost paid by the person who hit Zein. It seemed that Emak's sincerity during her life was got paid. I believe that good deeds that we make, can also be enjoyed by people around us, and vice versa.

Dueces (Chris Brown feat Tyga & Kevin McCall)

All that bullshit is for the birds
You aint nothin but a vulture
Always hopin for the worst
Waiting for me to fuck up up
You'll regret the day when I find another girl, yeah
Who knows just what I need, she knows just what I mean
When I tell her keep it drama free
Ohohohohohohohoh... x2
I told you that I'm leaving (deuces)
I know you mad but so what?
I wish you best of luck
And now I'm bout to throw them deuces up

I'm on some new shit
I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
I'm moving on to something better, better, better
No more tryin to make it work
You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]

[Tyga Verse]
Uh, Use to be valentines
Together all the time
Thought it was true love, but you know women lie
It's like I sent my love with a text two times
Call cause I care but I aint get no reply
Tryna see eye to eye but it's like we both blind
Fuck it lets hit the club, I rarely sip but pour me some
Cause when it's all said and done,
I aint gon be the one that she can always run to
I hate liars, fuck love I'm tired of tryin
My heart big but it beat quiet
I don't never feel like we vibin
Cause every time we alone it's a awkward silence
So leave your keys on the kitchen counter
And gimme back that ruby ring with the big diamond
Shit is over, whatchu trippin for?
I don't wanna have to let you go
But baby I think it's better if I let you know

I'm on some new shit
I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
I'm moving on to something better, better, better
No more tryin to make it work
You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]

[K Mc verse]
Look, my shorty always on some bullshit like Chicago
So I flip that middle finger and the index finger follow
Deuces, we aint got no future in tomorrow
I'm a dick, so it shouldn't be that hard to swallow
The other chick I'm with never complainin'
She make wanna leave the one I'm with Usher Raymond
Probably didn't register, don't trip, later on it will
Shorty full of drama like gangsta grizzles
I finally noticed it, it finally hit me
Like Tina did Ike in the limo, it finally hit me
I got a new chick, and she aint you
She paula patton thick She give me dj vu
And all that attitude, I don't care bout it
But all that shit I do for her, you gon hear bout it
Breezy rep two up, two down
But I'm just puttin two up, chuckin up the deuce now

I'm on some new shit
I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
I'm moving on to something better, better, better
No more tryin to make it work
You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]

Nota Jase :
If you don't know - DEUCES is a slang word for the PEACE sign (you know, the 2 finger peace out sign). This song and this video is really FIRE, the beat is so damn HOT! (On the other hand - the first seconds of the melody sounds like in Te Amo by Rihanna). What about the dance? I LOOVEEEE when Chris does his dance move. It seems that he tells a story every time he make the moves. He's amazing and truly talented. In short "CB breezy back doing his thing and I'm so lovin it..." GALAXIE... after Ush why not get CB to Malaysia? That would be really COOL !!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is All About Meeting Frineds...

Keterujaan untuk bertemu Andrea Hirata (novelis tetralogi Laskar Mimpi yang hebat) telah memaksa Nur untuk menunggu juga hingga ke malam) Hahaha... Dalam masa yang sama juga saya sempat bertemu dengan Anuar yang juga pencinta buku yang telah berkampung di Jakarta sejak 4 hari lalu. Memang dahsyat. Alhamdulillah, antara tujuan utama ke Jakarta kali ini selain daripada bertemu sahabat dan saudara di sini seperti Daniel, Joko dan Tancho (malangnya Elyu peminat Upin dan Ipin tidak dapat turut serta kerana bertugas diluar kawasan) ialah untuk mengunjungi Pesta Buku Jakarta 2010 dan bertemu Andrea Hirata, A. Fuadi, Kang Habib & Taufiq. Alhamdulillah kerana dapat juga 1 dari 4 nya...hiks.

Kesian Bung Jok dan Nur yang terpaksa berpisah dengan Ramadan sejak awal-awal pagi untuk menemani kami ke Gelora Istora Senayan (Pesta Buku Jakarta 2010), Kota Tue Djakarta, Cafe Batavia, Plaza Senayan dan Gelora Istora Senayan (Pesta Buku Jakarta 2010) sekali lagi untuk mengikuti sesi bedah novel Andrea Hirata - Dwilogi Padang Bulan & Cinta di dalam Gelas) !!! 'Thanks Banget yaa kalian !!!

Terima Kasih Daniel yang belanja kami makan di Mbah Jongkrok, restoran makanan jawa yang buka sahaja enak tetapi sungguh indah dekonya. Dengan minuman yang namanya sungguh menggerunkan seperti jenglot, poscng, kuntilanak dsb. Sesuatu yang menarik mengenai Daniel ialah beliau adalah rakyat Indonesia pertama yang saya jumpa memiliki kereta buatan Nasinal, Proton Exora. Tabiklah Pak !!!

Pertama kali bertemu Tancho teman FB yang sebenarnya kawan Mujes di Indonesia. Terima kasih kerana sudi menemani saya dan Lisa ke Taman Mini indonesia Indah, Tugu MONAS (dek kerana Muzium Gajah di tutup), makan malam di BMK dan meredah hujan sehingga sampai ke Plaza Indonesia. Semoga persaudaraan berkekalan hendakNya.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

TI on the Record with Fuse

This is another Hip Hop Star/Rapper yang saya follow. T.I. , mostly recognise in Malaysia in songs like My Love (Justin Timberlake feat T.I.) and Live Your Live (T.I. feat Rihanna).

Temubual di dalam rancangan On The Record with Fuse ini di rakamkan semalam setelah T.I. keluar setelah 10 bulan di penjarakan.

I'm Back is his latest single after his release. I heard his new album is will hit the CD Stores soooooon !!! Welcome bak T.I. !!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

R2U/LiKL : He's in the Sportlight coz He has Arrived !!!

A photo from Usher's website to confirm that he has arrived in Malaysia's Shores...

Usher has always been the sport light !!! This song is really you... Hahahaha... Apa saya merapu ni. Yes !!! esok saya akan bertemu Usher !!! dalam Konsert laa...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Penuhi Penjuruku Kerana Kau Bagai Udara...

"Lirik Kau Bagai Udara"

Jantung berdegup laju
Menangkis semua jawapan
Jika betul kau jemu
Terus teranglah dan berdepan
Susah untuk terima
Keputusan dari bicara
Cuma satu ku pinta
Cubalah fikirkan semula

Kau bagai udara
bagiku dirimu
ku perlu di dada
Sentiasa untuk bernafas
kiranya kau jauh
di mata
di jiwa kerana kau yang ku cinta

Semua kesalahan tak berertinya sedemikian
Bila marah menjelma yang benar pun menjadi salah
Ini baru sekali kesilapanku sebegini
Aku layak terima diberi peluang berubah

(ulang korus)

Aku berjanji tak akan sia-siakan dirimu
Bukannya ingin mendedah kelemahan
Jauh di hatimu ku tahu masih tersimpan
Segala kenangan terindah
Segala perasaan cinta

(ulang korus)

Lagu & Lirik oleh Neves Pretty Ugly

Nota Jase :
Saya memang akan selalu memberi peluang kedua. Kerana kita memang harus mencuba. Tahun lalu (mungkin album tersebut dikeluarkan pada tahun 2008 tetapi saya memilikinya pada tahun 2009) Bahrain ada mengeluarkan album dan sebuah lagunya 'Biarkan Berlalu' yang dikatakan atelah mengganas di Carta Lagu Popular KLFM namun begitu setelah mendengar lagu tersebut memang saya tak tangkap cintan langsung. Maka nama Bahrain pun hilang dari radar muzik saya. meskipun saya memang berniat untuk menulis mengenai CD pertama beliau. Namun begitu saya kira Bahrain telah bangkit semula, belajar dari kesilapan dan berjumpa dengan formula ajaib. Kali ini dengan resipinya begitu mengkagumkan sekali. Lagu ciptaan Neves ini memang hebat sekali. Catchy. Amat sesuai dengan tone suara Bahrain. Moden dan maju. Yang lebih penting ia 'fresh' dan 'tahan lama', boleh menjadi malar segar. Pertama kali dengar saya mendengarnya tadi terus menangkap jiwa. Saya cuma menulis. Anda dengarlah sendiri...:) Temui keajaibannya...:)

R2U/LiKL : U Got It Milk

In 2009 Usher has join the Got Milk Campaign. U Got It Milk...")

U Got It Bad Lyrics

Oh, no, no, no, no, no...

When you feel it in your body
You found somebody who makes you change your ways
Like hanging with your crew
Said you act like you're ready
But you don't really know
And everything in your past - you wanna let it go

I've been there, done it, fucked around
After all that - this is what I found
Nobody wants to be alone
If you're touched by the words in this song
Then baby...

U got, u got it bad
When you're on the phone
Hang up and you call right back
U got, u got it bad
If you miss a day without your friend
Your whole life's off track
You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about
U got it bad when you're out with someone
But you keep on thinkin' bout somebody else
U got it bad

When you say that you love 'em
And you really know
Everything that used to matter, don't matter no more
Like my money, all my cars
(You can have it all back)
Flowers, cards and candy
(I do it just cause I'm...)
Said I'm fortunate to have you girl
I want you to know
I really adore you
All my people who know what's going on
Look at your mate, help me sing my song
Tell her I'm your man, you're my girl
I'm gonna tell it to the whole wide world
Ladies say I'm your girl, you're my man
Promise to love you the best I can

See I've been there, done it, fucked around
After all that - this is what I found
Everyone of y'all are just like me
It's too bad that you can't see
That you got it bad...hey

U got, u got it bad
When you're on the phone
Hang up and you call right back
U got, u got it bad
If you miss a day without your friend
Your whole life's off track
You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about
U got it bad when you're out with someone
But you keep on thinkin' bout somebody else
U got it bad


U got, u got it bad
When you're on the phone
Hang up and you call right back
U got, u got it bad
If you miss a day without your friend
Your whole life's off track
You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about
U got it bad when you're out with someone
But you keep on thinkin' bout somebody else
U got it bad

p/s : 'U Got It Bad' is my favourite Usher's Ballad Song. A perfect ballad from a great artiste. Taken from the 8107 CD !!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

R2U/LiKL : My Boo (Usher duets with Alicia Keys)

Nota Jase :
16 years. That’s how long everyone’s been waiting (including me off course). That’s how old MY WAY CD has been kept nicely in my CD Rack. But worth the wait, because Usher’s FINALLY making his way to Malaysian shores! The singer whose albums are found in millions of CD players worldwide is at long last, bringing hits like 'Nice & Slow', 'You Make Me Wanna', 'U Remind Me', 'U Don’t Have to Call', 'Yeah!' and 'Burn' to us live, and only at National Stadium Bukit Jalil. Date with me... Ooopsss !!!... With USHER on 7 July 2010 !!!

Lets 2View with...

Ini adalah antara inovasi yang paling mengujakan saya ketika pertama kali bertemu dengannya. Tentu sebelum ini kita tidak pernah terfikir yang sebuah kamera mungkin memiliki 2 buah LCD. Satu di belakang (ini tiada yang istimewanya - semua kamerapun ada, cuma saiz yang menentukan) dan satu lagi di hadapan (yang membolehkan objek (manusialah) yang dirakam gambarnya juga boleh melihat apa yang dirakamkan - jadi bolehlah memberi pendapat sebelum 'diklik gambarnya). Hebatkan inovasi ini? ...dan Samsung telah memungkinkannya !!!

Terdapat dua model kamera Samsung yang mempunyai teknologi ini. PL151 & PL101. Teknologi ini mempunyai 4 keterujaan. 'Self Potrait' (untuk mereka yang suka mengambil gambar sendiri), 'Couple Shot' (tak payahlah minta orang ambilkan gambar lagi... Hehehe), 'Children Mode' (Siap dengan bunyi dan gambar badut di LCD Hadapan untuk menarik minat kanak-kanak) dan akhir sekali 'Self Timer' (Hebatnya sebab semuapun boleh melihat hasilnya di LCD hadapan !!!).

Saya telahpun memiliki Samsung 2View PL151.

Berikut adalah ciri-ciri kamera ini :

01. Dual LCDs (1.5" front & 3.0" back)
02. 12.4 megapixels
03. 27 mm wide angle
04. 5X optical zoom
05. 7 percent Tilt-back body (memudahkan untuk mengambil gambar sendiri menggunakan self timer tanpa menggunakan tripod.
06. 720P@30fps H.264 Movie Recording
07. Smart Filter (lens effect : miniature, vignetting, fish eye 1 & 2) (colour effect : sketch, defog)
08. Smart Auto (additional features includes zoom-in-potrait, macro colour, blue sky, natural green & fireworks)
09. Smart Face Recognition (exposure up to 20 faces)

Dua kawan saya Cikgu Jah (yang terus memasukkan duit ke akaun bank saya sejak pertama kali melihat saya mengguakan kamera ini untuk memilikinya juga) & Mat (mula tertarik semasa di pendakian Gunung Ledang) telah mengikut jejah langkah saya dengan membeli kamera Samsung 2View ini. Ada beberapa lagi kawan yang menyatakan minat. Anda bila lagi...? Terdapat 2 pilihan warna iaitu hitam/meroon & hitam/ungu.

Eh... Harganya bagaimana?

01. PL151 = RM 799 seunit
02. PL101 = RM 699 seunit

Berbaloi... Memang Berbaloi-baloi... Hiks !!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Anthem - Sign Of A Victory

The Official 2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa Mascot Song

Selain daripada Waka Waka (Shakira), Oh Africa (Akon) & Waving Flag (K'naan) ini lagi satu lagu rasmi. Tapi yang ini untuk Zakumi !!! The title is Game On nyanyian Pitbull, Tkzee & Dario G.

World Cup 2010 Team Nicknames

– Les Fennecs (The Desert Foxes)

– La Albicelestes (White and Sky Blue)
- In Argentina the national team is called "La Seleccion"

– Socceroos

– Seleção (The Selection)

- Canarinhos (Little Canary)
- Verde e Amarelo (Green and Yellow)

– Lions Indomptables (Indomitable Lions)

– La Roja (The Red)

Cote d’Ivoire
– Les Éléphants (The Elephants)

– Olsens Elleve (Olsen’s Eleven) – In honour of popular head coach Morten Olsen

– The Three Lions : From the FA crest

– Les Bleus (The Blues)

– NationBoldalMannschaft (National Team) or DFB Elf (DFB Eleven)

- National Elf (National Eleven)
- The nickname Die Mannschaft (the team) is only used by non-German media

– The Black Stars

– To Piratiko (The Pirate Ship) : Since Euro 2004
- But another common nickname is apparently Galanoleyki

– Los Catrachos which is apparently how other Central Americans refer to Hondurans
- La H (The H) : The crest is a large H, which looks extremely cool on the shirt
- La Bicolor

– Azzurri (Sky Blues)

– Blue Samurai

– El Tri (after the three colours or “tricolor” on the Mexican flag)

– Oranje

North Korea
– Chollima (some sort of mythical horse)

New Zealand
– All Whites (rugby union team are the All Blacks)

– Super Eagles

– La Albirroja (The White-Red)
- Guaraní (an indigenous people)

– Selecção das Quinas (Team of the Five Shields): Referring to the five shields on the FA crest

– Beli Orlovi (White Eagles) : Referring to the white double headed eagle on the Serbia coat of arms

– Repre (at least according to Wikipedia, but there’s no explanation as to what this means)

– Zmajceki (Dragons) : Because there’s a dragon on the crest of capital city Ljubljana

South Africa
– Bafana Bafana (The Boys)

South Korea
– Taeguk Warriors
- Fans are often called The Red Devils

– La Furia Roja (Red Fury)

– Schweizer Nati

United States
– Often referred to as the MNT (Men’s National Team)
- The Yanks

– La Celeste (The Sky Blue)

R2U/LiKL : Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home) - Usher

Usher Baby
I just wanna get your attention
I really wanna be your love in your head
Coz when I got you don’t wanna get some yeah
But girl that’s only if you ain’t scared

And I won’t knock or ring no bells
You just float bottom up in the air
I’ll get you hot, I know you oh so well
And when I’m walking all that I wanna hear

Is you say Daddy’s home, home for me
And I know you’ve been waiting for this love in your day
You know your daddy’s home (daddy’s home), and it’s time to play (so it’s time to play)
So you ain’t got to give my loving away
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy

I ain’t gotta do a lot of flexes
Shorty you already know what it is
And girl tonight we’ll gonna do a lot of sexin’
Can’t nobody do your body like this

I won’t knock or ring no bells
You just float bottom up in the air
Said I’ll get you hot, I know you oh so well
And when I’m walking all that I wanna hear

Is you say Daddy’s home, home for me
And I know you’ve been waiting for this love in your day
You know your daddy’s home (daddy’s home), it’s time to play (so it’s time to play)
So you ain’t got to give my loving away
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy (daddy know what you like)
Hey hey hey daddy
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy

Poke it on out poke it out right there
I’m a fall back while you work that chair
Do that damn thing let the neighbors hear

Poke it on out poke it out right there
I’m a fall back let you work that chair
Do that damn thing all I wanna hear

Is you say Daddy’s home, home for me
And I know you’ve been waiting for this love in your day
You know your daddy’s home (daddy’s home), it’s time to play (so it’s time to play)
So you ain’t got to give my loving away
Daddy’s home, home for me
And I know you’ve been waiting for this love in your day
You know your daddy’s home (daddy’s home), it’s time to play (so it’s time to play)
So you ain’t got to give my loving away
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy (call me daddy babe)
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy

Hey daddy know what you like yeah

Nota Jase :
Salah satu daripada Single terbaru Usher dari Raymond vs Raymond. Saya minat melodi lagu ini sebenarnya... Tengah menghafal lirik lagu ini untuk menyanyi bersama pada 070710 ini !!! Here I Stand... Here I Come !!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

R2U/LiKL - I Need A Girl (Part 1) : P Diddy featuring Usher and Loon

This song is at No 7 of my personal favourite of Usher's songs/chart. Although Usher is only appear as featuring astist, his appearance make this song more memorable. Will Usher sings this song on 070710? We'll wait, see and listen... !!!

If you notice, Loon appears in 'I Need A Girl (Part 1) also as featuring Artist together with Usher. Alhamdulillah he has left Entertainment Industry when he convert to Islam. Syukur...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

R2U/LiKL - The Best of Usher !!!

This is my Personal favourite of Usher's Songs :

01. Yeah (feat Lil Jon & Ludacris)
02. U Got It Bad
03. Burn
04. OMG (feat
05. You Make Me Wanna...
06. My Boo (duet with Alicia Keys)
07. I Need A Girl (P. Diddy feat Usher & Loon)
08. Love In This Club(feat Young Jeezy)
09. Nice And Slow
10. U Remind Me
11. Confession (Part II)
12. My Way
13. Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home)
14. Moving Mountains
15. My Live Your Entertainment (T.I. feat Usher)

Nota Jase :
The RIAA ranks Usher as one of the best-selling male artists in American music history, with over 22 million albums sold in the United States and over 45 million worldwide. Usher has achieved ten #1 singles worldwide, including nine on the Billboard Hot 100. He has also achieved fifteen Top 10 singles on the Billboard Hot 100, thirteen as a lead artist, two as a featured artist. In the UK he has achieved 11 Top 10 singles on the UK Singles Chart, as a lead artist. Usher is the first artist to have a number-one single on the UK Singles Chart and the Billboard Hot 100 during the 1990s, 2000s, and the 2010s.